Monday, September 18, 2017

The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method- Wesley Love- Presenter
A Universal Standard for Investigation

1. Observation
2. Question
3. Hypothesis
4. Method
5. Result
6. Conclusion

What is the Scientific Method?  - A tool of inquiry.
A logical serious of steps that allow you to move through the process.

Why is it important as a tool of investigation?
Ask a question-  do background research-  construct hypothesis - test with an experiment -analyze data and results  - hypothesis is true/false- REPORT RESULTS!

Questions to ask.
Control group? experimental group? why?

Step 1: "The Problem"
Step 2: Hypothesis   - an educated guess, intended explanation to the problem.
Step 3: Establish a "Method or Procedure"
  • Make a logical series of steps to test hypothesis and these steps produce a controlled experiment
  • Dependent variable happens based off of controlled variable. 
  • Need to clearly define variables and steps taken
  • Independent variable is the single issue you are examining.
  • Controlled group V. Experimental group. 
Experiments should be reproducible!

Step 4: Forming "Conclusions"
  • Negative conclusions- data does not support your original hypothesis
  • Positive conclusion- the data strongly supports your original hypothesis.
  • Summarize and evaluate your experiment. What would you do differently?
  • Suggest changes in the experimental procedure? Errors?
  • Random error- data results move around randomly- hard to eliminate. 

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