Saturday, September 16, 2017

Classroom Science: Using simulations in the classroom

I really enjoyed reading the article (Gates, Nikkel, & Eastham. 2017.) that explained the many ways to incorporate science simulations in the classroom. Studies have shown that student should not just be learning science, but instead, should be doing science. I thought this was a really great point to show the important role of students planning and carrying out investigations to gather data and analyze. Science class should be hands on labs and experiments, not only reading from a science text book. Inquiry based learning is crucial for student learning and retention.

Online simulations can be used in classes that do not have a large lab space. I think I would use science simulations mostly for introducing a topic. The simulations would allow them the chance to play around with the new topic and explore to gain a basic understanding. The simulations can then be used to start a discussion which can lead into explaining and exploring the subject more.

Gates, Nikkel, & Eastham. 2017. Using online simulations to support the ngss in middle school classrooms. California classroom science. California science teachers association.

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